Focus Question - How do learning profiles help students learn?
Why Pathfinder
Pathfinder is a comprehensive Student Learning Profile completed annually and shared with parents. Pathfinder is an important part of the WAY Game. Students learn how we are all unique, worthy of respect.
Pathfinder was created for teachers to get to know their students. It is important for parents to get to know their kids, but most importantly, it is important for students to know themselves. Pathfinder is a tool to introduce lifelong learning skills. Just as a doctor diagnoses a patient, so too must teachers if they are to customize instructions to help facilitate the learning process.
Turn classmate to teammates, enemies to friends.
Pathfinder and the WAY Game
Pathfinder is like a Class Icebreaker that runs all year. Two teams compete to win Pathfinder Clues to the secret identity of the Mystery Kid. When solved, prizes are awarded and the game restarts. Pathfinder responses help answer the question, Who Are You? Where trust and respect are developed through teamwork, mentorship and play.
Making Good Decisions
Pathfinder means many things to different people. For teachers, the year starts with a student interest and needs analysis. Pathfinder is used throughout the year at Parent-Teacher Night, Student of the Day, and the WAY Game. Through Pathfinder, we share who we are with our Team to build Respect, Trust, and Connections. Students begin a new journey of self-awareness. Parents get an annual snapshot and a deeper understanding of the learning process.
Pathfinder was created to:
Diagnose student learning needs early.
Develop self-awareness in students.
Introduce factors that influence effective learning.
Help find the Mystery Kid.
Connect with Parents.
Develop student relationships.
Track development.