Focus Question - How to improve homework?
End the Homework Debate with
GPT - Game Prep Time
Let's break down the word Homework. There's home, and there's work. You may have just gotten home from work or school; now you have to work again? Traditional homework practices have many flaws, so I suggest people do this instead. Students - review and reinforce daily learning with CAP Notes, then turn Notes into Game Cards. Study for Tests & work on Projects. Identify areas of need for practice. No Busy Work. Parents may choose to MODEL Best Learning Practices during GPT and use CAP Note for their projects.
Here are a few advantages:
1. ALL subjects are valued and reviewed not just Core.
2. Students use higher-order thinking skills and anticipate test questions when Q and A's are created.
3. GPT promotes family bonding time and is a brain workout like no other. A great Routine and Habit to get into.

Parents - Your Family's Experiences are Worth Preserving!
School is where New Information is Presented - Home is for Processing.



Empowering Students and Parents with control over homework time benefits all. Turn Homework into Game Prep Time.