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Consider SWAY

a SMART WAY to Learn

3 Year Growth Plans for Teachers

Self-Direct, Free, Nothing to Join

{Unless you create it.}

SWAY - a SMART WAY to Learn - aSWtL

aSWtL consists of three separate but integrated proposals: the WAY Game, Digital Lesson Planning & Entrepreneurial Project-Based Learning. {TeacherPreneuring} Engage, Motivate, and Empower students with Expectations and Responsibilities. Students learn to mentor, teach and evaluate Teammates. Making Game Cards and Project-Based Learning transform students from consumers of content to PRODUCERS of learning content. 

Students - be involved in the processes of learning how the Show was made; how the Business was run. These are essential skills.

3 Proposals

the WAY Game

The WAY Game encourages students to summarize daily lessons on CAP Notes and make Game Cards for the WAY Game for homework, making Learning Fun and Effective.

Digital Lesson Planning

Teachers use SMART Digital Lesson Planning Templates in the creation of Digital Lesson Plan Banks. Use AI to plan - it's a Game Changer. Great for Distance Learning or the next Pandemic. 

Entrepreneurial Project-Based Learning

Teachers are encouraged to put on a Show or run a small business {create WAY Game Related Goods and Services} as a year-long project. A grand experiment in student learning

Here's What 5M Did

Beluga Play 23 shows over a week in June.

Digital Art Show - A half-hour Gala in the Gym for all.

[I wish I had filmed it now, but I didn't. Don't live with regret—film it!]

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