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Day 9 - Is the Homework Debate Over?

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

Sad teacher

A Homework Policy has been updated slightly since 2015. Improve A Homework Policy and make it your own. It's one more thing off of a teacher's plate. It empowers students and parents to customize learning to individual needs. It's about transforming homework time into Game Prep Time.

Focus Questions

1 Will A Homework Policy work for your class?

Outcome - Peace in the Classroom, Peace on Earth.

2 How can Time Management improve learning outcomes?

Outcome - Get things done.


  1. Evaluate a Homework Policy. Use as needed

  2. Print Planner. Use it.

  3. Watch Future trends in education.

  4. AI results - create top ten lists from YouTube Transcripts.

a homework policy letter

A Homework Policy
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A Homework Policy

"If ever there was a wedge issue between home and school – it's homework.

All we need is a plan that works."

School is where new Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge are presented; home is where that 'knowledge' is reviewed and processed.

End the Homework Debate: Transform homework time to Game Prep Time. Please do it for yourself and your Team. {A Homework Policy is a Sub-Plot to the real story of a SMART WAY to Learn.}

Students will not follow traditional homework practices; there are too many problems: too much, too little, misunderstandings, forgotten materials and who does the work are just a few of the issues with traditional homework practices. With a busy home life, parents and students need a flexible homework plan to meet individual needs; the "one size fits all" model is ineffective.

Basic Principles

1. Set aside time to study for quizzes, work on term projects and review daily lessons by improving CAP Notes and creating Game Cards.

2. Setting up a consistent homework routine is in the hands of students, with parental guidance as needed.

3. Use AI to help play the WAY Game, plan lessons, and help guide projects in class.

Homework is when the day's lessons are reviewed, recorded, and reported. Students become producers of learning content when they create Game Cards. A weekly record of the highlights from the week and a sampling of Teammates Game Cards allow students to see what others are doing. Students knowing that they are making Game Cards for Teammates and Teachers is motivating in itself.

Parents are their children's first, longest and most important teachers. Empowering parents with tools and techniques that enable them to fulfill this role is essential!

Learning/homework shouldn't be a battle, a chore, something to be dreaded and avoided; why can't homework be practical, fun, challenging, self-directed and effective, where students can progress at their own pace with real empowerment?

CAP Notes are available to parents to record their own learning needs and model Best Learning Practices while developing family bonds.

Let's transform homework time into Game Prep Time and value the benefits of play!


"Students don't fail to plan; they fail to plan."

So plan.

Time management planner for students
Use Abbreviations

Homework Planner 2017
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Here's the transcript with time stamps removed and formatted into paragraphs, along with a list of the top ten ideas from the transcript regarding the biggest future trends in education:

As a futurist, I help companies understand how our world is changing, and it is currently changing very fast. We see a huge technology shift, societies changing, and education must adapt. It's really important that the entire education sector rethinks what we teach and how we teach. So, let's explore these two major themes in a little more detail.

The first one is rethinking what we teach. Education at all levels must evolve. In its "Schools of the Future" paper, the World Economic Forum outlined essential characteristics that will define high-quality learning in the future. These include global citizenship skills, innovation and creativity, technology skills, and interpersonal skills. Other aspects like ethics and diversity are also becoming increasingly important. We need to give our children the skills they need in the future, especially since machines are becoming increasingly capable and intelligent.

In order to do this well, we need to rethink how we teach. The current classroom setting originated around the time of the first industrial revolution, and we are now in the fourth industrial revolution. Teachers of the future will likely become much more of facilitators rather than content deliverers. Key enablers of this change include digitized content, online learning, personalized self-paced and self-directed learning, collaborative project-based and problem-based learning, and bite-sized learning.

Moreover, there will be a move towards a more immersive learning environment, utilizing technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality. Lastly, there will be a shift towards lifelong learning, as the world is changing rapidly, and the half-life of our skills is decreasing every year.


Using AI in Learning

Now, let's list the top ten ideas regarding the biggest future trends in education:

  1. Rethinking what we teach, with a focus on essential skills like global citizenship, innovation, technology, and interpersonal skills.

  2. The importance of ethics and diversity in education.

  3. Adapting to the evolving capabilities of intelligent machines.

  4. Rethinking how we teach, moving away from traditional lecture-style classrooms.

  5. Digital content and online learning as enablers of change.

  6. Personalized self-paced and self-directed learning.

  7. Collaborative project-based and problem-based learning.

  8. Bite-sized, snackable content delivery.

  9. Immersive learning environments using virtual reality and augmented reality.

  10. Embracing lifelong learning and shifting away from front-loaded education.

These ideas represent the major trends and shifts in education for the future, as outlined in the transcript.

R and D led me to Mr. Marr's video. It was divine inspiration; the top 10 list generated from the transcript with AI matched beautifully with all a SMART WAY to Learn has to offer. It's nice to know you are on the right track.

Teacher Stories

The Vital Need for Excellent Home and School Communication.

I'm not saying that our parents didn't love us growing up; we seemed to have more freedom to play unsupervised, and we did. The phrase 'Helicopter Parent' or Bubble-wrapped kids didn't exist. There wasn't a boogie man behind every tree and no trolls on social media. There are certainly more parenting challenges today. We don't want one of those challenges to be you and your class. Parents need to know that their child is in good hands and learning. Hard to do in the past but easier to do now.

What will be your Home and School communication strategies? Here are several things teachers can do to improve communication and engagement with parents. Friend or foe, it's up to teachers to establish good relationships with parents without having to give out their cell numbers.

Have a class website or link your communications to a school site where you can post what students and parents need to know. Use your website for important dates, quiz reviews, project descriptions, due dates, class rules and daily lessons. These things will take time to establish, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your reputation or your Tool Kit.

I had a solid Homework plan and a plan to deal with students when they took vacation time during school. We had student agendas where parents could write me notes for things I needed to know that day.

A SMART WAY to Learn adds value to stakeholders through improved communication, relationship building and reporting. Value is being added to the lives of students and parents by what teachers do in class to FACILITATE the learning process and include them more effectively in this journey we call education.

Parents received an annual Pathfinder report [always fun to watch parent's reaction when they get their copy on the first Meet the Teacher [Creature] Night.

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